Frequently Asked Questions


Where are you located?

We are located in the Wellington area. The major intersection is Lake Worth Road and 441.

Can I show up without an appointment?

No, you must have an appointment to come to our facility. You will be denied access to our facility without one.

Do you work with special needs children or adults?

At this time we do not work with any special needs children or adults.

Do you give lessons to adults?

Yes! We absolutely give lessons to adults. We do however have a weight limit of 200 pounds for the protection of our horses.

What do I wear to my lesson?

  • Long pants or jeans

  • Boots with a heel

  • You may bring your own helmet or use one of ours.

What does toddler time entail?

Toddler time is designed to give the littles a safe, easy going environment to learn and explore life on the farm. Children will have the opportunity to brush horses, receive a pony ride, and visit with small farm animals with parents assistance.

Horse camp sounds like fun! Do you have horse camp for adults?

We currently do not have horse camp for adults. So sorry!

How old does my child have to be to start lessons?

Each child develops and progresses differently at different ages. We take students as young as 4 years old. During your child’s first lesson, we will evaluate your student and provide our recommendation for lessons going forward.

Do I need prior experience to attend any of your camps, lessons, or special events?

No experience is necessary! Here at black horse stables, we pride ourselves on being beginner friendly. “This is where it all begins!”

Do I have to wear a helmet?

Yes! We require all students (adults & children) to wear a helmet. We want all students to thrive in a safe and fun environment.

Are you an FES-UA provider for homeschool students?

We are not currently a pre-approved provider, however we are working on being added to their list.

How old does my child have to be to attend camp?

Our camps are designed for children ages 7-12 years old. Unfortunately we can not accept children under the age of 7 at this time.

Can I stay with my child during the camp day?

No, due to the safety of all students, we do not allow parents to stay the day. Drop off is at 9am and pick up is at 2pm sharp. If you would like to watch your child ride, we recommend booking a lesson.

What do I need to pack my child for camp?

All students should bring a packed lunch, sunscreen, bathing suit, towel, change of clothes (shorts are fine for after riding), and plenty to drink. Please bring a case of water in the beginning of the week.

What does my child need to wear to horse camp?

  • Long pants

  • Hat & sunscreen recommended

  • Closed shoes - sneakers or boots. No crocs or flip flops - No Exceptions.